Bailey had quite a year last year, she adjusted surprisingly well to being bumped out of the baby spot. She is such a great helper with Mom and with Avery. She enjoyed going to the Zoo and seeing the Polar Bear, she also loved the endless rides on the carousal. She took swimming lessons all by herself this year, Mom was pleasantly surprised. She also is such a golden child because she seriously potty trained herself, which was such a godsend for Mom and Dad. Bailey is our little spit fire, she has a sass about her, but she also is so sweet and loving. She is very determined and very independent. She already knows how to count to 10 and is already trying to sing the alphabet. She loves to sing songs, some of her favorites are Popping corn Popping on the Apricot tree, The eensy weensy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, I Am a Child Of God, to name a few. She loves to go to church, and especially loves nursery. She loves to eat, and is such a good eater. We have been trying to eat more healthy, more Paleo and she has had no problem with it. She wants to eat what Mom has. If I am eating a sweet potato she wants one, If I am eating a hard boiled egg, she wants one. Like Braxton, Bailey loves to always want to be going somewhere, and to be seeing someone. I can't believe how much she is growing up, everyone thinks she is a lot older than she really is. She is very tall, and she talks so well for her age. She is definitely our middle child and we wouldn't have it any other way.

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