We have been keeping Braxton busy this summer with a few activities, Swimming lessons, T-ball, and playing at the Splash Pad in Highland.
Swimming Lessons:
It has been so fun to watch Braxton improve this year in swimming. He can actually swim by himself for a little bit and he is now tall enough to go down the slide by himself.

Practicing his back stroke.

Chicken, Airplane, Soldier

His favorite part of swimming lessons is competition, who can do the watermelon float the longest and diving for the ring at the bottom of the pool.
The Splash Pad:We have enjoyed going to the Splash Pad in Highland. During the day it can be pretty crowded, so we decided to try an evening and it is so much more less
crowded. It is a really fun place if you haven't tried it out, you should.
Brielle, Gavin and Asher.

Gavin and
Braxton are seeing which water gun will win.

Asher loved playing in the water.

Bailey likes being held more than being in the water. She thinks it is too cold.
Kyson likes the water more when Mom is with him.

Doug and Jared

Jess, Asher, and

You can't tell as well in this picture, but this little boy is a BROWN bear.

Relaxing with Dad.
Braxton wanted to do T-ball again this year and he did awesome, he has improved so much. He did really well hitting and by the last two games we didn't have to tell him to run to the next base. He was so good about participating. It is fun to see him growing up.
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