My gorgeous girl is 2months now. Part of me feels like it went by fast and part of me feels it has gone by slow. She is such a sweetie, and I love that she is developing her personality, it is so fun to see her smile so much. I took about 30 pictures of her and out of those 30 pictures I probably got more than half of them with a smile.
I thought I would jot down a few of her stats.
- 12 lbs. 80 percentile
- 23 1/2 in. 95 percentile
- Smiles (a lot)
- Coos, oohs, wants to talk( must be a girl thing)
- Sleeps between 5-7 hours a night
- Sucks on her fist sometimes to sleep
- Loves Braxton's voice
- She has a very strong neck, holds her head up.

Awww how fun! I can't believe how fast she is growing up! And 5-7 hours of sleep at night?! What's your secret?
I love her crooked smile! Such cute pictures!
Seriously! What a smiler! How cute!
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