Yesterday was Doug's 32nd birthday. We just wanted to give him a shout out and tell him Happy Birthday! Here are some words to describe my wonderful husband and our awesome Daddy.
Dashingly handsome! Only the biggest teaser. U can always make me smile and laugh Genuine Loving Abundantly working hard Selfless, always so generous( like his dad)
Doug and I have been married for ten years. I am now a stay at home mom. Doug works at the family pharmacy Smith Rexall Drug. We have a 5 year old little boy who is so dang cute named Braxton, and our precious little girl named Bailey who is 9 months old. They both keep us on our toes.
Happy Birthday Doug!!
Dang it We forgot to give him the midnight call! Oh well! Happy Birthday Cous! We love ya!
Happy Birthday! I love the picture...Braxton is giving the cheesy "Doug" smile.
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