- She can sit up, but would rather not.
- She can get her knees underneath her and rock, she will be crawling before we know it.
- She is a Momma's girl, but loves it when Daddy comes home.
- Her face lights up when she sees Braxton.
- She loves to sleep on her tummy and in a little ball.
- She will look at someone till they look at her, then give them a big smile.
- Weight: 16 1bs. 14 oz. 75%
- Height: 27 1/2 in. still over 100%
- When she is happy to see someone she does this ahh sound.
- Braxton loves to pretend to eat her tummy and make her giggle.
- Has ate carrots, squash, beans, and peas and will be starting fruits next week.
We just love our little girl and can't get enough of her smiles and giggles.
She is such a beautiful baby. I want to kiss those cheeks. Time flies...I can't believe she is already 6 mos.
Aaah! She is such a doll! I love little Bailey!
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