Thursday, December 9, 2010
Gardner Village
I love getting Christmas ornaments at The Village Christmas Shoppe at Gardner Village, so we took a little trip up there. We walked around fed the ducks and looked for elves. It's such a cute place, I love going there.
The ducks love the bread.
Annual Friend's Christmas Party
We had our annual Christmas Party with friends from high school, we were missing a few this year, but nonetheless it was a great time. We had some great food to eat everybody brought something delish, we had our white elephant gift giving, which has actually turned into the kids picking and stealing. It was a good night to visit and enjoy each others company. Wish I would have gotten some better pictures of everyone, but you know how it goes.
Jared and Casey in deep conversation.
Smith Family Pictures
The weekend of Thanksgiving we finally had pictures done with the Smith side of the family. It has been seven years since we last had pictures taken, so needless to say we have grown a lot. I am so happy to finally have updated pictures.
Its a large group, kind of hard to see everyone with such a small picture size.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Santa Claus came to town
We went to the downtown tree lighting and to see Santa Claus come into town. Braxton got to see Santa at the City Park where they light the tree, but you could also sit on his lap at the library. So after he saw him at the Park we head to the library so he could sit on his lap, but the line was so long we told him he got to talk to Santa already. Braxton was a little upset and didn't want to go. As we were walking to the car Santa was walking to the library and he stopped and talked to Braxton and sat him on his knee and asked him what he wanted. He was lucky or should I say mom was lucky, he got some personal time with Santa and didn't even have to wait in line, Perfect timing.

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow
We were pleasantly surprised to look out the window Sunday morning to see all the snow. It sure is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Daddy went out to go shoveling and we decided get out in it too. Bailey's first time in the snow, she didn't quite know what to think, but thought it tasted good.
My cute snow bunnies.
Too Cute!
I had to take these two pictures, because they were just too cute.
I always see pictures of other people's kids falling asleep in toys and high chairs, but never my kids they just cry till I get them out, well not this day. Bailey was fussing a little while I was trying cook the Thanksgiving pies and then all of sudden it was silent and I turned around and she had fallen asleep. Such the cutest thing when they are asleep.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving day. Doug started the day off by decorating the Drug Store and then playing a little football, while Braxton and I watched the Macey's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Then we headed to my parent's house for our Thanksgiving feast. It was great to relax and mingle. Doug, Bailey and I even got a little nap in. That night we headed to the Smith household for some more good food and games. It was a great Thanksgiving, we have so much to be thankful for.
Dad getting the turkey ready, Aaron sculpting the potatoes.
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