Strawberry Pies
Every year Smith Rexall Drug has a wheel that customers can spin to win prizes and one of the prizes is a strawberry pie, so we helped Linda again this year with Strawberry Pies. I just got a picture of the cut and cleaned berries, I forgot to get an actually picture of one of the pies.
Huck Finn Days
This is our 2nd annual Huck Finn Days and we were more prepared this year, for one we brought Papa, so he could do the actually fishing, and we also brought nets this year to catch some fish. I caught two fish, Dad caught one fish, and Damon caught one fish. We had so much fun trying to catch the fish, well I had fun, Braxton was a little nervous to go in the water with fish, were did he come from?
It was quite rainy for the Rodeo this year. We didn't get to as many nights this year as we usually do, but as usual the rodeo burgers and strawberry and cream were the best. Braxton did the mutton bustin this year again and I have video, but I will have to post that later, when Doug can help me hook it up. Braxton surprised us all and rode really well. He held on tight and got an 85. We thought he was going to take first, but the third to last kid rode for an 86, so he took 2nd. He did a great job and it was so fun to watch him.
Mammoth Parade
We enjoyed our usual spot in front of the Drug Store. It was perfect weather for a parade, especially since we were under the overhang.
1 comment:
Autumn, those strawberry days seemed like it was a lot of fun. I liked the pictures with the fishing; that looks so much fun. YOu look so good. How are you doing? Drop a line sometime I'd love to hear how things are with you.
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