Sunday, December 16, 2007
Santa Claus in Town!
Yesterday Braxton got to see Santa Claus twice. We went shopping at Macey's and Mrs. Claus and Santa Claus were there so Braxton sat on his lap. Then last night my Mom and Dad had their Ward Party and so Braxton and Gavin were able to sit on Santa's lap and tell them what they want for Christmas. Braxton gets so excited to see Santa and loves to sit on his lap. This was Gavin's first time, I think he likes Mom more than Santa.
"It's okay Gavin, it's just Santa", as Braxton would say
Family Get Together
Friday night we went up to Salt Lake City because my cousin Nicole Spence was having a reception party, for her graduating from Medical School. We decided to take Trax up so we didn't have to find somewhere to park. Braxton loved riding "the train". We also saw the lights on Temple Square. It was really cold, but it was also beautiful. We had fun at the reception catching up with relatives.
We had "fun" trying to get home, One of the Trax trains had derailed and so we had to stop at 7800 S. and take a buses to the next trax station. There were a lot of people trying to get on buses and it was cold waiting for the buses. When we got to the next Trax station we were able to get back on Trax and take the rest of the way to 10600 S. It was around 11:30 at night and the babies were tired. It was quite an adventure.

We had "fun" trying to get home, One of the Trax trains had derailed and so we had to stop at 7800 S. and take a buses to the next trax station. There were a lot of people trying to get on buses and it was cold waiting for the buses. When we got to the next Trax station we were able to get back on Trax and take the rest of the way to 10600 S. It was around 11:30 at night and the babies were tired. It was quite an adventure.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Viva Las Vegas!
Doug and I went to Las Vegas to go to the National Finals Rodeo. We went with our friends Lisa and Hayes Thomas, and we met Craig and Linda down there. We stayed at the Golden Nugget. It was really fun to get away and to have some relaxing fun. Braxton stayed with Doug's sister Allison. Here are some fun pictures of what we saw and did.

Craig, Linda, Brent, Suzanne watching the Rodeo.
The Golden Nugget has an awesome new pool. They have this big fish tank in the middle with sharks and exotic fish. The pool has a big tube slide that goes right through the fish tank. We had to try out the pool, but it was freezing outside. We went down the slide a few times and then hung out in the hot tub.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Winter Wonderland
I woke up Saturday morning with Braxton yelling from his room, "Mom outside". I didn't know what he was talking about, so I went to his room and opened the door and he was looking out the window and he said,"Mom look snow outside". He was so excited he wanted to go out right then. I couldn't resist. We had a fun time playing in the snow and making a little snow man. I am so excited we got so much snow!

Monday, November 26, 2007
Christmas Tree
McDougan Get Together
My clan of friends from highschool, use to call ourselves The McDougan's. I try to get us together every so often. Shandie was in town from California, so we wanted to get everyone together. We had a fun time reminising about highschool and the good ol' days. We had almost all the kids there. Jonny and Kami have two more and they are down in Arizona.
The little chillians :Brielle (Jess and Jared's), Carter (Mckenna and Steve's), Braxton (Ours), Gavin (Brynn and Casey's) and Abigail (Joe and Debbie's). They look so happy don't they.
Doug's dad gave us tickets to the BYU/ UTAH game, and it was a lot of fun, even though the Utes lost. I was sporting the red and Doug was sporting the blue. It was crazy, I ran into my cousin Jeff, his sister Holly, and their dad Chuck. I always run into him at BYU games, and while I am talking to him L. Tom Perry comes walking up the aisle, he stops and said "Who Let her in here", he was talking about me because I was wearing red. He saw that Doug was wearing blue and then he said "Split Family". He shook our hands. It was fun to see him.
I thought the Utes were going to pull it off, but again like last year the Cougars come back in the last minute. Doug was happy.
I thought the Utes were going to pull it off, but again like last year the Cougars come back in the last minute. Doug was happy.
Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving Day was a great time to reflect on what I am thankful for, and I have so much to be thankful for. I have a wonderful husband, who is so sweet to me, and just wants to make me happy. He even does laundry now! I have a wonderful little boy, who forgives so easily and loves me unconditionally, and says the cutest things. My favorite is I Love You.
I am so thankful for my extended family for my sister who is my best friend (besides Doug), and is always willing to hang out with me, and my other sister who watches my pride and joy three times a week, and is always there to listen. I have wonderful parents and parent -in- laws who are always there for us.
I am thankful for the friends I have that uplift me and are postive.
I am so thankful for the gospel in my life, and can't imagine my life without it.
I am thankful for the freedoms I have and for the people who fight for us to continue to have those freedoms. There is so much to be thankful for.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Potty Training

I really tried not to show anything!! We have been trying to do the potty training thing, but it is really hard when I work full time. I don't want to put it on Alicia or Grandma. We have done the treats, but it only works occasionally. He likes the spiderman underwear, but doesn't really understand when he has wet them. So if you have any suggestions, I would appreciate it.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Halloween Fun
Halloween Fun!
Braxton had a fun Halloween getting pictures with cousins and friends. It was a busy day. He loved going out and getting candy. He actually didn't want to eat it as soon as he got, this time. We went to Doug's sister's house for dinner and fun. It was a fun Halloween.
Braxton had a fun Halloween getting pictures with cousins and friends. It was a busy day. He loved going out and getting candy. He actually didn't want to eat it as soon as he got, this time. We went to Doug's sister's house for dinner and fun. It was a fun Halloween.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Park City
We went to Park City on Saturday. Doug's family has a time share this week, and we always love to go up and go swimming and go to the Chocolate Factory. Our favorite is the Apple Pie Apple. We did go for a little walk around the Park City Resort and Braxton got to play in the snow. We were going to stay up there overnight, but with our car breaking down last week and the washer we decided to save some money, because we always spend a lot at Park City.
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